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  1. #176
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    I asked because I did not know. After mention of an N54 running 10s, it was simply a follow up question. Rather than ask about the n54 and s65 separately, I asked about e9x. My intentions were not to group them together. I know the difference.
    STFU let's race. Stop typing.

  2. #177
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    STFU let's race. Stop typing.

    Now now now Dweeb... that wouldn't be sand in your panties would it? lmao.

    So I'm guessing the pics messed with your ability to read. It clearly started where I'll be.

  3. #178
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    Now now now Dweeb... that wouldn't be sand in your panties would it? lmao.

    So I'm guessing the pics messed with your ability to read. It clearly started where I'll be.
    What part about stop typing and let's race do you not understand?

    Do you mind if I interrupt you going around the internet collecting pictures of me? Do you have posters of me on your wall? Am I the last thing I see before you go to bed at night?

    STOP TYPING. Let your car talk. What's the big deal? How many more times do I have to ask? Are you coming to the dragstrip rental where I'M PAYING FOR YOUR SPOT or not? Do I need to pick your car up for you too?

    You can come tell all of your nonsense to me face to face. You in or you out?

    Let me guess, another S54 has to race for you?

    LOL you're a joke. Not surprised you backed down. If I'm a dweeb you're a pussy.

  4. #179
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    What part about stop typing and let's race do you not understand?

    Do you mind if I interrupt you going around the internet collecting pictures of me? Do you have posters of me on your wall? Am I the last thing I see before you go to bed at night?

    STOP TYPING. Let your car talk. What's the big deal? How many more times do I have to ask? Are you coming to the dragstrip rental where I'M PAYING FOR YOUR SPOT or not? Do I need to pick your car up for you too?

    You can come tell all of your nonsense to me face to face. You in or you out?

    Let me guess, another S54 has to race for you?

    LOL you're a joke. Not surprised you backed down. If I'm a dweeb you're a pussy.
    smh.. you're still having trouble reading I see. I just stated when I'll be on the West. Whats hard to comprehend Dweeb?? So other than that, you can come out east. Don't worry, you will absolutely get your chance to meet me in person. I promise. lol. Dweeb. You're just pure comedy at this point. Say what you want but you're just entertainment at this point.

    Again, I will be on the West the second week in Dec. Business will have been on the east after that until early Feb.

    Still laughing at your pics dweeb lmao.

  5. #180
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    smh.. you're still having trouble reading I see. I just stated when I'll be on the West. Whats hard to comprehend Dweeb?? So other than that, you can come out east. Don't worry, you will absolutely get your chance to meet me in person. I promise. lol. Dweeb. You're just pure comedy at this point. Say what you want but you're just entertainment at this point.

    Again, I will be on the West the second week in Dec. Business will have been on the east after that until early Feb.

    Still laughing at your pics dweeb lmao.
    That's great post your own pics for guys on the internet to evaluate. Were you planning on asking me out on a date? Did you want to suck my dick? I guess you have a certain taste in guys and that's fine. I'm not here to judge your sexual fetishes but I'm not interested.

    What I am interested in is slapping you all over the 1/4 mile and laughing in your face afterwards. You know you can't win so instead you want to make personal attacks. The exact response of a cornered child. You're beat and you know it. Hah I've won before ever even racing you.

    Ok cool we'll make the drag day in February just for you. See you there cupcake. Try not to get an erection when you meet me.

  6. #181
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    Just settle this at race wars
    09 6AT 335i Coupe M-Sport - SOLD
    Current - 16 Jeep Wrangler - Few Mods
    Looking for a n54 project e90/e82

  7. #182
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    Is it just me or does he look a little bit like sloth from the Goonies here?

  8. #183
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Nugs Click here to enlarge
    Is it just me or does he look a little bit like sloth from the Goonies here?
    Never seen it and that's about the sweetest Easter shirt you're ever going to see.

  9. #184
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    That's great post your own pics for guys on the internet to evaluate. Were you planning on asking me out on a date? Did you want to suck my dick? I guess you have a certain taste in guys and that's fine. I'm not here to judge your sexual fetishes but I'm not interested.

    What I am interested in is slapping you all over the 1/4 mile and laughing in your face afterwards. You know you can't win so instead you want to make personal attacks. The exact response of a cornered child. You're beat and you know it. Hah I've won before ever even racing you.

    Ok cool we'll make the drag day in February just for you. See you there cupcake. Try not to get an erection when you meet me.
    Cornered? I just gave you the 2 times I'll be on the west in the next few months. You said nothing about coming out east. I've been ready to run my car while you were busy running your mouth. My car has been running, yours hasn't. Now that you have a car, after 5 years, everyone is suppose to drop everything and fly to you for a race. lol. What an idiot.

    YOU'VE TOSSED AROUND PERSONAL ATTACKS AT YOUR MEMBERS AND VENDORS FOR THE LOOOOOONGEST. Now all of a sudden its different when done to you? Oh, Joe the dweeb can't take it. lol. This is now just pure fun for me. You over there getting all red and slamming your bedroom door over n over. Go sit in the corner little Joey.

  10. #185
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    Cornered? I just gave you the 2 times I'll be on the west in the next few months.
    Awesome so we're agreed then. Yay.

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    My car has been running, yours hasn't.
    There are Priuses running too, who gives a $#@!?

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    You over there getting all red and slamming your bedroom door over n over. Go sit in the corner little Joey.
    Hahha you're on my forum child. I'm going to destroy you. LOL and I'm going to laugh in your face while doing it.

    See you in February little girl if you even show up.

    Now back to slamming my Vegas hotel room door.

  11. #186
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    smh. I get a message from one of your members saying that you really aren't even worth it. They share with me a profile page, so I check it out. I realize...... You really are just a dweeb. lmao. And probably a douche as well.

    Attachment 40827Attachment 40828

    I feel a little bad now. Like a bully picking on the S65 geek, that has no friends and gets no ass, unless he pays for it. hahaha. Thanks for the laugh dweeb. Click here to enlargeClick here to enlarge

    btw, I'll be on the west coast the second week in Dec. And again probably in early Feb. Other than that, I'm here on the east.
    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    Cornered? I just gave you the 2 times I'll be on the west in the next few months. You said nothing about coming out east. I've been ready to run my car while you were busy running your mouth. My car has been running, yours hasn't. Now that you have a car, after 5 years, everyone is suppose to drop everything and fly to you for a race. lol. What an idiot.

    YOU'VE TOSSED AROUND PERSONAL ATTACKS AT YOUR MEMBERS AND VENDORS FOR THE LOOOOOONGEST. Now all of a sudden its different when done to you? Oh, Joe the dweeb can't take it. lol. This is now just pure fun for me. You over there getting all red and slamming your bedroom door over n over. Go sit in the corner little Joey.

    Dont know you, but I fo know Joe. *I guarantee he pulls more ass in 6 months than you have in yoir lifetime. *As for racing.. You think youte $#@! is fast? *I would love to run you and put money down. *Name a price tough guy.. im NA 4CYL Click here to enlarge , I have no problem rscing you for as much $$ as youd like. *You can even choose what type of rsce we do. *From a syop, roll, distance, mph, anything that gives you the best advantage possible. *Put your money where your dick sucking mouth is and stop internet bullying or I peomise you ill make sure you wont have a device able to use the internet.. test me.. Shut your dick sucker, bring whatever it is you want to race,"and name a price and whatever your vehicle is fastest at. *You have all the advantage here and im down.. BOOSTGEEK HTFU! *
    * Im all about rqcing and having a good time.. you want to make $#@! personal be my guest but you and any of your friends you bring will lose and or get $#@!ed up racing or physically.. I prefer racing, but you try and get physical I will hurt you. *Ill leave it at that. *

  12. #187
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    Cornered? I just gave you the 2 times I'll be on the west in the next few months. You said nothing about coming out east. I've been ready to run my car while you were busy running your mouth. My car has been running, yours hasn't. Now that you have a car, after 5 years, everyone is suppose to drop everything and fly to you for a race. lol. What an idiot.

    YOU'VE TOSSED AROUND PERSONAL ATTACKS AT YOUR MEMBERS AND VENDORS FOR THE LOOOOOONGEST. Now all of a sudden its different when done to you? Oh, Joe the dweeb can't take it. lol. This is now just pure fun for me. You over there getting all red and slamming your bedroom door over n over. Go sit in the corner little Joey.
    Oh, and my vehicle is DD so its ready the day you make it to west coast. Ill even let you look my whole motor over top to bottom. Its NA inline 4cyl. Im getting sick of your mouth as well, I dont give a flying $#@! who you are or what you look like I guarantee you will lose, be it racing or if you get personal and try and get physical, again, you will lose. Have fun looking for my pics after reading this lol.. $#@!ing L.O.S.E.R.!!! Someone that takes the time to research and post pics of someone they dislike on the internet just shows you have something wrong with you head, you most definitely have serious issues, you have absolutely no life, and basically you remind me of someone with short man/dick syndrome.. Do you see many other people posting pics of someone of the same sex they dont even know?? Plus take the time to find these pics?? L.O.L. You are one sick puppy, I dont feel sorry for you, I just prey you you never reproduce! I doubt that happening anywayw once they see pivs of Sticky all over your room LOL! Now you humble yourself or when I see you I will humble you myself. No, that is no threat its fact kid.. you wqnt to play tough guy, now that I know where youll be well see who is the tough guy Click here to enlarge
    Or, ypu can shut your dick suckers like I said before and I will give you any type of race you have the most advantage at. Thats the best I can offer without straight giving you a win, and youre still going to lose Click here to enlarge shoot me or Sticky a message and ill gladly meet you anyplace in socal that youe heart desires..
    Now if you csnt shut the $#@! up and accept that, you have mental issues far beyond my comprehension..

  13. #188
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    Track rental is set for February. Guy isn't even going to show. Would be nice to see if he'd run you too lol.

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