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  1. #1
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    When forum perception is not reality - Tuning Technology Motorsports (TTM) Mercedes forum horror story

    Automotive forums are a powerful tool for vendors/businesses, we all know that. A popular option on a forum with loyal customers can generate a lot of business for a company. However, just because a certain business is advocated on a forum by its fanboys does not necessarily mean it should be. One of the issues with automotive forums especially in the German car world is a 'groupthink' mentality where one vendor is promoted above others and treated as infallible as members proclaim (somewhat blindly) how great a certain tuner is.

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    This network does not play the pandering game many others do which only serves to create division and silence many who may be doing good work simply because a small group chooses to cheerlead for someone they think is the best. Enter TTM who had, yes past tense emphasized, good reputation on a certain Mercedes forum.

    Now enter Kelvin07 a member of said forum who gave Bruce (the owner) at TTM considerable business based on what he had read on the forum. Kelvin07 bought a CL55 AMG and like many here then went on the forums to do his research as to what products to buy and who to buy them from. He settled on Tuning Technology Motorsports.

    He called up Bruce who was very happy. Funny, vendors always are happy and nice in the beginning when cash is coming their way aren't they? Kelvin spent considerable money with Bruce@TTM. Just look at these receipts here:

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    Seven PayPal payments totaling $14,000 and then an additional $4,000 cash sent. First of all, that is way too much damn money up front without getting anything. In Kelvin07's defense, the rosy picture painted on the forums blinded him. Bruce@TTM's big bold red letter "Merry Christmas" response is just icing on the cake.

    Kelvin stated he never received anything from TTM. After all that money, nothing? He waited for so long he ended up selling the car and decided to go with other (and more reputable) tuners for another Mercedes AMG of his. This was in April of this year. APRIL. And surprise, surprise, Bruce@TTM becomes difficult to reach.

    Finally a response back from Bruce where he uses his sick father as an excuse. Is his father really sick? Is he not? Is a bit low to use him as an excuse? Would you trust it? Make up your own mind:

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    The back and forth goes on through May. Getting a bit absurd isn't it? Well, time to get the lawyers involved. That usually will illicit a response. More stall tactics take place and more dodging of phone calls and e-mails:

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    It is now the middle of July people with this unresolved. This network was content to let this issue get resolved as with it being brought up in public one would expect TTM at that point to step up but clearly TTM is not interested in resolving it or refunding the money. As a community, we have no choice but to make this known and inform our users of the potential risk in giving TTM business. Frankly, TTM does not deserve any business until this is made right and then some.

    This is not the first vendor horror story and it certainly will not be the last. ASR engineering, MHP, SSP, there are horror stories to go around of vendors taking advantage of people on forums. This network will make those stories known and never accept sponsorship from these vendors.

    All that can be said is that hopefully Kelvin gets his money back. Don't hold your breath though, for some reason, these guys continue to get away with it. The administrators on the Mercedes forum where this originated should be doing the responsible thing and utilizing the power of the forum that was capable of lining TTM's pockets to resolve this. BenzBoost stands with Kelvin and hopes for a resolution and contrition from TTM.
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  2. #2
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    @Sticky, Kelvin is not the only one being $#@!ed over with TTM. In the same thread, there were members also mentioning that they paid up front and never got anything in return.

    The most disgusting part I read about him, is that he takes customers rides and drives them around town. I know I wouldnt like that!

    Hope these guys take legal action against him
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  3. #3
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Jacob502 Click here to enlarge
    In the same thread, there were members also mentioning that they paid up front and never got anything in return.
    After reading Kelvin's story I can't say I'm surprised.

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Jacob502 Click here to enlarge
    Hope these guys take legal action against him
    Same here.
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    New generic 991.2 PSE bypass pipes - $499 shipped

  4. #4
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    Who the $#@! gives someone they have never met in person $20k up front for work that is TBD ? That's just plain stupid. And the fact that the guy that did this is in a foreign country??? C'mon, dude should have known better.
    This just all seems too sketchy, I'm willing to bet there is alot more to the story than what we are being told....

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