Ok, we made the BimmerBoost flash happen and effectively managed to prevent the community from being hustled by Shiv and co extorting money for some cheap tablet.

We freed the community from that and accomplished the goal. It was done on a tight budget but everyone chipped in and worked together and we made it happen.

Now, it's time to take it to the next level and this can be accomplished. However, a bare bones functionality approach with bugs will no longer cut it.

We can make the software functional with more motors and ecu's. Possibly even for the Mini Cooper cars as there is a certain shared functionality there.

What is needed? Money. We need money. I need to hire a developer capable of doing whatever coding work is necessary. Part time people who may or may not be capable just won't cut it. I need to hire someone to do what I say, how I say, and in a set timeframe. I can't have someone dragging along who works on it while sitting on the toilet in between netflix binges and their regular job. Essentially, a professional is needed.

On top of that, cars to test with. This actually will be the easiest part.

If people don't want to chip in that's fine I'll eventually do this myself. The thing is that word eventually. If we pull together this can be done faster and we can get flash options for a whole lot of other cars. Bring more people in to help with tuning, make maps, etc. It just would benefit everyone.
