One thing BMW does well (and seemingly better than anything else these days) is market themselves. Tons of advertising, teaser videos, and basically propaganda designed to make us all think they still build the Ultimate Driving Machine. Enthusiasts of course know better as BMW has fallen from grace quite a bit but this does not change the fact that the general public buys into what BMW is selling them and Forbes agrees placing the brand as number 1 in the automotive world and 9th overall in the world.

Keep in mind this same list has Apple listed as number one and McDonalds listed at number 7. Being "powerful" does not equate to being the best by any means. Still, BMW being number 1 is impressive and ironically enough the next automotive brand behind them is Toyota. Seems fitting almost that Toyota and BMW stand side by side as BMW continues to go after sales volume above all else... just like Toyota.

Mercedes-Benz is third and number 16th overall.

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