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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sledgehammer Click here to enlarge
    Power to weight means very little if the power cannot be put the ground consistently and effectively. So a take the same car with the same motor/trans/power. But make each car FWD, RWD, AWD which one will be the fastest. Drivetrain layout matters
    When they calculate the power to weight ratio...I have never seen a correction factor for drive train. That's like trying to calculate drag coefficient but because the car doesn't have enough WHP to break 100 mph it receives a higher coefficient...nope I'd have failed that area of fluid dynamics if I did something like that. You're making up your own stuff now bro

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Mr.Squeeze Click here to enlarge
    I have never tracked my 600 whp setting when I was at 560 whp I went to the track one time 12.2 @127. This was done on Street tires with more practice this spring I will go out to the track a few more times to see what the car can do. To me it doesn't matter if that's a slap on turbo kit or not the graph is horrible I wouldn't want to drive that in the street. Also the fact that it's on E85 for that power makes it look worse.

    1/4 mile time is impressive for the little car that's about it for me.

    I have also been down that road of lighter smaller cars I owned a 94 Prelude Vtec.

    Not sure what car that dyno chart in the second graph is from it looks a lot better that the other graph.
    To each his own...I don't know why you care so much if E85 was used. It's octane; a high compression motor like that boxer engine will need some to keep making power with boost (factory motor...remember that). E85 isn't even the best fuel available to make power (people act like octane is new). If you built your motor with a 11:1 compression I'm sure you wouldn't make 600 whp on pump gas either. 560 whp to 440 whp; both 127 for thought considering "their weights are so close it's negligible" and the FRS has an awful powerband to boot.

    The graph is a 4 cylinder Neon on a a single 30r
    Last edited by lvlemphiz; 01-16-2013 at 06:36 AM.

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