More information continues to trickle out on the upcoming Audi R10 Diesel Hybrid Supercar. As reported earlier, the vehicle will incorporate technology from Audi's Le Mans winning R18 diesel race cars. Early reports suggest the drivetrain will offer horsepower in the 700 range with torque at 740 pound-feet. Big numbers and if combined with a carbon fiber body along with aluminum chassis to keep weight down this thing will simply fly.

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Audi is aiming to build the best as head of Quattro Franciscus Van Meel stated nothing less than that is the goal, "If we make this car it will be the absolute best supercar, and completely different in concept to the R8. It will be very Vorsprung Durch Technik, very innovative." Apparently the McLaren P1 is in Audi's cross-hairs and no doubt the Porsche 918 Spyder as well. Lofty goals, good luck Audi, if anyone can pull this off it's you.
