Ok the results for that manifold are:

Cyl 1: massflow = 0.24747 lbm/s
Cyl 2: massflow = 0.25693 lbm/s
Cyl 3: massflow = 0.24650 lbm/s
Cyl 4: massflow = 0.24912 lbm/s

Worst deviation is from Cyl 2 to Cyl 3. Cyl 2 is getting a straight shot of flow and cyl 3 a big recirculation zone right in front the of the horn effectively reducing that flow a little bit, you can clearly see that here on this surface streamline plot.

Click here to enlarge

It's about a 4.2% deviation between those 2 cylinders which doesn't sound like a lot, but it is.

Imagine if you had to tune this descrepancy out of an engine, one cylinder basically making 4.2% more power than the other. You'd never know!

Or, one cylinder is getting 4.2% LESS FUEL than the other. Basically, this is not good; you get the point.