
free killah mixed map

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free killah mixed map

  • Author wowprcc
  • Uploaded 05-05-2016, 07:19 AM
  • Total Files


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this is a mixed map from bms cobb alpina ppk and 1m

you should use mhd flasher
  • wowprcc's Avatar
    wowprcc -
    free killah mixed map

    this is a mixed map from bms cobb alpina ppk and 1m and othwr tuner sory i forgot *

    you should use mhd flasher
  • nospoolin's Avatar
    nospoolin -
    wow... huh
  • jyamona's Avatar
    jyamona -
    @Sticky this is why uploads should not be a free for all. ESPECIALLY with tunes. They need to be checked over, or you're going to have a nice database of 100 junk tunes, and 2 good ones, with the good ones being impossible to narrow down.
  • wowprcc's Avatar
    wowprcc -
    you may cheeck this file to it has some torque tables they are not defined with your xdf
  • jyamona's Avatar
    jyamona -
    Quote Originally Posted by wowprcc View Post
    you may cheeck this file to it has some torque tables they are not defined with your xdf
    I don't have time to police random bins people upload. Especially one shoe-horned together for 6 different sources.
  • wowprcc's Avatar
    wowprcc -
    Edit: Your file was approved
  • Sticky's Avatar
    Sticky -
    Your file 0405flash- Kopie (1).bin has been approved
  • Sticky's Avatar
    Sticky -
    Quote Originally Posted by jyamona@motiv View Post
    @Sticky this is why uploads should not be a free for all. ESPECIALLY with tunes. They need to be checked over, or you're going to have a nice database of 100 junk tunes, and 2 good ones, with the good ones being impossible to narrow down.
    People can take a look at the file and flash at their own risk. The comments exist so people can provide feedback on the file as well.

    I appreciate people trying to contribute especially when it's free. It also may be this guy did good work. I don't know. People will have to look it over.
  • Sticky's Avatar
    Sticky -
    Quote Originally Posted by jyamona@motiv View Post
    I don't have time to police random bins people upload. Especially one shoe-horned together for 6 different sources.
    I don't see the big deal. Let the guy share his file.
  • wowprcc's Avatar
    wowprcc -
    Quote Originally Posted by Sticky View Post
    I don't see the big deal. Let the guy share his file.
    thanks @Sticky
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